With the one year anniversary of Disney’s live action ‘The Little Mermaid’ upon us die hard Disney fans, I thought it only fitting to countdown the top 10 animated movies from the House of Mouse. Take a look and see if your favorite movie made the list. This list is in no particular order.
10. The Princess and the Frog
Released in 2009, Tiana was a welcome addition to the Disney Princess family. She was the first black Disney princess and fans could not be happier for the representation. The film was not without criticism, the biggest flaw being Tiana spent half the movie as a frog, however she is/was still iconic and not to mention her very own ride at the Disney parks will be opening soon. Don’t worry Tiana, you’re almost there!
9. Fantasia
No Disney movie list is complete without Mickey’s movie Fantasia. Fantasia is a series of 8 animated shorts set to classical music. The Philadelphia Orchestra provided the music. There have been remakes and references to this movie for years. Not to mention the Fantasmic show at Hollywood Studios in Walt Disney World. I mean who doesn’t love Sorcerer Mickey?
8. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Of course I have to show love to the very first Disney Princess, Snow White. She paved the way for our current line up. She may have shown some poor judgment taking food from a stranger but she was sweet, kind, had the best group of friends and just wanted to live her best life.
7. Bambi
Who knew a story about an orphaned deer would make adults cry and haunt children’s dreams. Bambi, the story of the baby deer who lost his mother to hunters and grew up to be the leader of the forest is so very iconic for the reasons I mentioned. Everyone has their ‘first watch’ Bambi story and it usually ends in tears.
6. Beauty and the Beast
I know people say Belle has Stockholm Syndrome but I still love this movie. A girl that loves to read, does not fall for the brute, saves her father and the Beast multiple times. She is her own hero. I mean can you fault her for falling for him, he’s did make up for his bad ways. Let’s cut Belle some slack.
5. Aladdin
I love Aladdin so much. Street Rat turned Prince in the fictional city of Agrabah. Disney loves an orphan story and Aladdin has one of the saddest. The movie also has a great soundtrack and of course Robin Williams. Princess Jasmine has the best animal sidekick, a freaking tiger and she lets it be known that she isn’t your mother’s Princess.
4. Cinderella
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3. Frozen
Of course Frozen makes any Disney list. It took the world by storm back in 2013. You could not go anywhere without hearing ‘Let It Go’ to the point I think my ears bled. Despite the oversaturation, the movie is really good focusing on the love between siblings instead of romantic love and who wouldn’t want cool ice powers.
2. Mulan
“I’ll Make A Man Out of You” is something I say almost daily along with “Reflection” lyrics from Disney’s 1998 animated film Mulan. A movie about a warrior that just wanted to save her father and ended up saving China is a masterpiece in my opinion. Throw in Eddie Murphy as a talking dragon sidekick and you have a recipe for success.
1. The Little Mermaid
I will defend Ariel all day. She did not give up life for Prince Eric. She wanted out of the sea before even meeting him. Besides she can return to visit her family whenever she wants as this was proven in the sequel. The Little Mermaid was all I ever wanted to be growing up. She had an amazing voice, beautiful long hair and big eyes. Part of Your World was haunting and I could even recognize that as a child. I loved the story of her getting what she wanted, her close relationship with her father and sisters and defeating the evil witch. This movie had the best soundtrack and a great ending. Imagine my delight when the live action was announced and Halle Bailey was cast – amazing.
Honorable mentions go to Pocahontas, Moana, A Goofy Movie and 101 Dalmatians.
So there you have it, Disney fans. My top 10 list of Disney animated movies. Did you favorite make the list? Drop a comment and let’s chat about it. Remember you can find me on X @jereereviews for more.
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