The action continues on tonight’s new episode of Rescue: HI Surf when a family sets out on a beginner’s hike that turns into the search for one of their own. As the family reaches the start of the hike, everything is seemingly fine, except, did we completely ignore the “Hike At Your Own Risk” sign for funsies? That alone would have stopped me in my tracks, but hey, I guess “while on vacation…” right?
They didn’t get that far in the hike before trouble found them. With the rain from previous nights making hike conditions worse, Amber gets hit by a wave that rushes through and is washed away with the debris – and just like that she’s gone. Her family is panicked, but with no cell signal, they’re left with no choice but to head back down the trail to call for help.
“Mauka to Makai” – RESCUE: HI-SURF. Pictured: Kekoa Kekumano as Laka Hanohano and Robbie Magasiva as Harlan “Sonny” Jennings. Photo: Zach Dougan/FOX ©2024 Fox Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Back at the office, Emily walks in furious looking to speak with Captain Sonny. She, along with Sonny, were served court papers. Remember that kid that the team, including Kainula, saved in the pilot episode? You know, the one where Kainula told EMS the wrong location adding a delay in the rescue? Yeah, that kid’s parents decided to sue. And because Sonny took the blame, he and Emily got named. Kainula is about to be a problem isn’t he?
We can get back to that though; right now the concern is more on Sonny. When the call about the missing hiker comes in, Sonny decides he and his team will set out to try and find her. Emily tells him that it’s not their call and taking this on would mean breaking protocol, but Sonny didn’t care. Could it be because of the family that’s suing them make him take this on? Or does this have to do with his nephew’s death? We know that a part of him takes the blame for what happens which could be clouding his judgment. Emily isn’t thrilled about this, but goes along with the rescue.
“Mauka to Makai” – RESCUE: HI-SURF. Pictured: Adam Demos as Will Ready and Arielle Kebbel as Emily “Em” Wright. Photo: Zach Dougan/FOX ©2024 Fox Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Back at the tower, Laka somehow gets stuck babysitting two kids left by their father. That didn’t bother him so much as being stuck behind with the newbies. It becomes too obvious that he isn’t a fan of Kainula, tasking him with the job of cleaning out the (extremely dirty) storage shed, while Hina is tasked with unloading the gear. Are we shocked that Kainula complained? I’m going to need him to step it up big time to show that he deserves this spot too.
What bugs me most about him is the fact that he doesn’t grasp the depth of what he’s done by taking Hina’s spot from her. She worked hard to get there, she was the only female recruit, and this meant a lot to her. It’s good that he apologized, but why did it take so long, sir? He does get points for admitting that he took her spot – but then instantly loses points when he tried to ask her out. Kainula, really?
“Mauka to Makai” – RESCUE: HI- SURF. Pictured: Arielle Kebbel as Emily “Em” Wright and Kylee Stanford as Amber. Photo: Zach Dougan/FOX ©2024 Fox Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Back in the ocean; Emily, Sonny, and Will try their best to find Amber, but no dice. Emily has the idea to tread the water and allow herself to be floated by the current, which could be the best possible way to find where Amber may have drifted off to. Sonny is against it, but Emily doesn’t care and does it anyway. While all this is happening, the team gets a call about an accident involving a diver, which means they have to leave Emily out in open waters alone. Will is especially concerned about this (so much so that I’m starting to think these feelings are a little more than concern for a colleague, ya know?).
Will is engaged, and I believe he has trouble remembering that sometimes when it comes to Emily. He and Emily got this thing between them and we already know that they used to be together, so I’m wondering…Will, are the feelings coming back? I mean we’ve got an injured diver and yet, you don’t want to leave Emily, a trained professional, in the water? Will finally leaves with Sonny to help, but man that look? The look he gave Emily was so intense. Sorry to his fiancée.
“Mauka to Makai” – RESCUE: HI-SURF. Pictured: Zoe Cipres as Hina Alexander. Zach Dougan/FOX ©2024 Fox Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.
While in the water, Emily loses her radio, which was also her GPS which means, yeah – she’s now just as lost as Amber. Luckily, her plan worked and as she saw debris in the water, she knew she was close to Amber and sure enough, there she was still hanging on to a branch.
When heading back out to Emily, Sonny and Will bring Laka along to help. It wasn’t looking good at first, but they eventually found her and Amber and were able to bring them back to shore safe and sound. When Amber made it back to her family, there was this look on Sonny’s face and it was clear he wasn’t okay.
There was this moment Sonny shared with his daughter, where she opened up about why she wasn’t going to school; school reminds her of her cousin, Zion. After their talk, and his daughter heads inside, Sonny calls to make an appointment with a grief counselor, but before even setting it up, he hangs up and sits with his emotions instead. Yeah, that may be a recipe for disaster.
What’d you think about tonight’s episode of Rescue: HI Surf? Share your thoughts below, or connect with me on X/Twitter @chenfordhugs
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