Thank you for submitting your nominations!
You now get to narrow the list of 15 down to just one winner and see who will be crowned SpoilerTV’s Performer of the Month.The winner will secure a spot in the year-end Performer of the Year.
Pick only one!
You now get to narrow the list of 15 down to just one winner and see who will be crowned SpoilerTV’s Performer of the Month.The winner will secure a spot in the year-end Performer of the Year.
Pick only one!
Happy Voting!
January 2024 Winner:
Readers’ Choice: Wrenn Schmidt (Margo Madison) – For All Mankind
February 2024 Winner:
Readers’ Choice: Justin Hartley (Colter Shaw) – Tracker
Voting will close at 9:00AM Friday 12th of April.
Which performer delivered the best performance in March 2024?
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