
My Adventures With Superman – Fullmetal Scientist

Superman is back with more action and a ton of new characters this week. Last week ended with so many stories left open. General Lane moving in with Clark and Jimmy, Lex Luthor entering the story and Clark trying to find his cousin. 

Fullmetal Scientist left a lot of these issues still open. The episode starts off with Superman saving Silas Stone. Fans will know the name – Silas is Victor Stone’s father. Victor Stone who will later become superhero Cyborg. Superman also discovers a new power while saving Silas from the fire. A glowing aura takes over his body and he is able to walk through the flames. After saving Silas, Livewire appears and threatens him about destroying something on his phone. 

Courtesy of Adult Swim

A company called Amertek is airing a commercial about a new plant in Metropolis and in the ad is another cameo – John Irons – better known as the superhero Steel. Meanwhile, Jimmy is at home on the phone with a Flamebird intern who is trying to pitch a story but she is 10 years old and Jimmy is not having it. He becomes frustrated as General Lane is sitting on the couch in filth, not cleaning up his mess and Clark is outside trying to sneak in and needs Jimmy’s help with a change of clothes. The scene offers some comedy and brings us back into the story from last week as we try to keep up with all the easter eggs being dropped. 

Lois attends an Amertek press conference where she gets into a battle of the reporters with Vicki Vale. Amertek reveals Metallo, a robot with strength greater than Superman Thomas Weston claims. The robot is powered by fusion reactors and the demonstration of its powers actually fails. Lois and Vicki begin asking questions but are shut down. They both try to outdo the other with sneaking in and getting the scoop. Lois gets away first and heads to the home of John Irons. 

Courtesy of Adult Swim

Clark and Jimmy investigate on their own a voicemail the intern left them about killer robots which leads them to the home of John Irons. He explains that when all the Metallos activate together it creates a bomb. When he and Silas Stone try to stop production they are met with the typical response from the boss. The footage Silas destroyed in the beginning of the episode was proof of the flaw in the robots and Weston hired Livewire to take care of it. 

She shows up and John Irons home but got more than she bargained for with Superman being there and Lois and Vicki showing up at the same time to get the story. After Liverwire destroys the evidence and leaves, Superman and Irons head to Amertek. They work together to stop the robot with Irons wearing the suit he built which will later become his superhero suit. Irons saves Superman which prompts Clark to write an article about him being a hero. 

Courtesy of Adult Swim

Vicki, thinking she posted her article first, begins to celebrate but Lois beats her to it. She is impressed and offers Lois a job at her paper. While John is trying to clean up Amertek in his suit, Lex Luthor shows up and reveals he bought Amertex, John is fired and the suit and robots now belong to him. Cut to him and Amanda Waller looking over their new army of robots with the strength to hurt Superman. 

So much has been left unsaid again. Clark can never find the right time to tell Lois about Kara and now Lois has her own secret with her job offer that she appears to be considering. We did not get to see much of General Lane after the first few minutes of the episode. It was great to see Jimmy get in on the action and hopefully he can get his little team together and they go on more adventures. Clark learning a new power every episode or every other episode adds a new layer to his story – almost reminds me of Smallville. The most interesting aspect of the episode was the introduction of Silas Stone and John Irons. Overall the episode was another good one and the season is off to a good start. 

What did you think of the episode Superman fans? Leave a comment and remember to connect with me on X @jereereviews.

About the Author – Je-Ree Olenik

Je-Ree is the definition of a Jersey Girl. A true nerd who loves her comics. When not watching tv she is a paralegal by day. She loves writing, reading, binging all the newest shows and spending time with her family. Twitter @jereereviews

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