Save time & money by using our cheat sheet to see the best stores for Black Friday shopping!
Our Black Friday Deals Cheat Sheet will help you shop the best stores for Black Friday at the lowest prices!
Planning to shop the Black Friday sales and wondering which stores will have the hottest deals on popular products? We’ve got you covered!
The latest 2023 Black Friday Price Comparison Excel Cheat Sheet has all the best Black Friday sales from Walmart, Target, Kohl’s, Costco, and Macy’s, with many more on the way!
Bookmark this post or the Black Friday Excel spreadsheet!
This Black Friday deals list is something our readers ask for every year, and we’re so excited to be able to share it with you again! It’s such a useful tool for anyone hoping to score the best Black Friday prices leading up to the holiday shopping season.
As Christmas draws closer, you’ll find all the latest price comparisons from the best stores for Black Friday such as Best Buy, Sam’s Club, and many more!
Every year, we work around the clock to update this spreadsheet as soon as popular stores release their Black Friday ads. The list will continue to grow throughout the season every time a new Black Friday ad is leaked. Be sure to check back often, as more ad scans are released and more deals are added, so that you can keep up with all of our latest low-price discoveries!
If you’re looking for something specific on our Black Friday Price Comparison Cheat Sheet, you can easily find all the product categories at the top of the spreadsheet. If you’re only wanting to see a certain section (toys, electronics, video games, etc), just click on that category at the top of the spreadsheet.
Then, you can narrow your search even further by using the keyboard shortcut Command F (on a Mac) or Control F (on a Windows PC) to find what you need. A text box will appear toward the top of the screen where you can enter the name of the brand, item, or store you’re looking for.
Prefer a printable list?
While the 2023 Black Friday Price Comparison Spreadsheet is VIEW ONLY and cannot be edited or printed, we do have a PDF version that you can print and take with you if you’re shopping in-store. This PDF spreadsheet is updated often, so be sure to check back for the latest version before you head out.
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