Keter 71-Gallon Deck Box Just $57.60 Shipped on | Great Outdoor Storage Solution!

Head over to Wayfair where you can grab this Keter Comfy 71 Gallon Resin Deck Box for only $57.60 shipped (regularly $89.99) when you clip the digital coupon!
If you are looking to store outdoor gear, adding a sleek deck box can be a great help. Tuck away furniture cushions, bubbles, chalk, gardening equipment, and more without the use of multiple bulky storage items. Plus, they can also be used as extra seating or a table to set drinks on, food, or games. And, they’re weather-resistant so they will not rust, dent, peel, warp, or need to be painted, making them practically maintenance-free!
Check out these great reviews…
I am very happy with our new deck box. Its sturdy once you put it together and so convenient to store all types of outdoor items. I like that it is a darker brown than in the original picture. It’s easy to clean and you can tell that it will withstand the outdoor weather.
I’ve had a lot of use out of this bench for the last 2+ years and it moved out of state safely. It’s also great for an extra place to sit on your patio.
Spacious and sturdy deck storage and extra seating. It’s perfect. Color is great too.
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