Tonight’s episode of Evil was another banger full of creepy, scary, drama filled goodness. The move to Paramount+ a few seasons ago was a great move by CBS. It allows for the show to push the envelope as well as give us real dialogue that the writers would not be able to get away with on network television.
David meets with Victor’s replacement and is tested again. He is shown coordinates and asked to close his eyes and step over the line then proceed to draw what he sees. The test is called stepping into the target. David begrudgingly does what he is asked but sees nothing.
Ben is still trying to explain away seeing the Jinn. He tests the amount of medicine he needs to take before he starts to see any changes. The Jinn may disappear from his vision but that does not stop the voice. Kristen is visiting Kurt who apologizes for his recent behavior. Kristen accepts but wants him to help Andy. He agrees and also advises he is throwing away the toy that helps him write. Kristen is called away on assignment and Kurt does just that. His receptionist notices and calls Leland to let him know. That man has spies everywhere.
“How to Slaughter a Pig” – EVIL, Pictured: Kurt Fuller as Dr. Kurt Boggs. Photo: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+ ©2024 Paramount+. All Rights Reserved |
David, Ben and Kristen’s new assignment brings them to a pig farm due to people uploading videos claiming that pork is making them possessed. They meet a representative from the company that produces the pork and the pig farmers: Chet and his son Anthony. As they look around Kristen cuts herself on a gate and the pigs have an aggressive reaction to the smell of blood. David patches her up but his touch does something to Kristen and Ben visits the neighbor who is also a farmer. He uses drones to spy on Chet and Anthony. He shows Ben footage of Anthony walking on all fours and acting very strangely.
If that was not bad enough, later that night, we see Kristen at home and Andy is still sleeping under the bed, Ben cannot shake the Jinn and while David is saying his prayers he is visited by the Angel and has a vision of dead villagers at the coordinates he was shown earlier. When he explains this to his new handler, he explains that David has PSI (Perfect Sight Immersion) and he actually stepped into a General they are looking for. The General committed these murders and is holding eight missing Priests in Ethiopia. The Vatican will need David’s help. It is a mystery how this all ties in with the end of the world as this storyline is abandoned the rest of the episode; except for the fact that David not only sees what the General sees but feels his emotions (hatred and anger) for a chunk of the episode.
“How to Slaughter a Pig” – EVIL, Pictured: Mike Colter as David Acosta and Chukwudi Iwuji as Father Dominic. Photo: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+ ©2024 Paramount+. All Rights Reserved |
When the team returns to the farm for answers, Chet explains that his son returned from school changed. So he reached out to the Trio of God (online amateur Exorcists that look like a girl group) for help. The Trio of God explain they removed the demon from Anthony and placed it in the pigs like in the Bible, naturally. David points out that those pigs drown themselves after essentially killing the demon. They told Chet to kill the pigs but apparently that did not happen.
Back in the car, Kristen explains all this work with demons has her broken. David admits to working with the Entity and his visions and Ben finally tells his besties about the Jinn. The friendship between these three characters are the heart of the show and bring some sense of normalcy in a world full of angels and demons. As Ben returns to the farm to prove his theory about the pigs correct, he is attacked by an oversized demon pig. The scene was scary enough to make me not want to touch bacon ever again.
At the church, Ben and David explain to Chet, Anthony and the company representative that Chet used “feed back” to feed his living livestock which is a common practice. The only issue is he fed the demon pigs to his living livestock. However even if these pigs were not “possessed” (we know David doesn’t believe it) feed back causes aggression in the pigs. So we have explained another supernatural issue with science.
The reason Kristen was not there is because she has been dealing with her own issues that she has not told her friends about. Earlier in the episode, Sheryl had a meeting with a group of women in her tiny office and she plans to take down Leland because he is trying to hurt her family. Color me surprised if it turns out she has been trying to stop him this whole time; a great plot twist as I thought she was just a bad mother. At this meeting is Leslie, the woman carrying Kristen’s baby and she goes into labor – this baby is early!
Sheryl and Leslie are at the hospital and never see a doctor; only a nurse – Nurse Block. I would not trust her to treat a paper cut. She gives Leslie drugs and while Sheryl is in the restroom and she wakes up, she hears Leslie and Nurse Block talking about feeding the mother to the baby. When she alerts Sheryl and Sheryl confronts Nurse Block, she creepily explains it away. Leland visits Leslie and tells her that she heard correctly but they were talking about Kristen.
Later in the episode, Leslie has left the hospital and calls Kristen for help. Kristen is quick to dismiss her as she wants nothing to do with the baby but once Leslie mentions Nurse Block and Kristen has a memory of her she decides to help. Kristen takes her to another hospital and is left with no choice but to help her through labor. The baby is born and appears to be a normal looking boy. Leslie cannot stop him crying and when Kristen nervously agrees to show her how to rock him, he immediately stops crying. Later that night, it’s time to feed the baby and Leslie is asleep so the nurse has Kristen do it. She is being forced into helping this child a lot. As she is feeding the baby its bottle she begins to cry as she bonds with him. Not good.
“How to Slaughter a Pig” – EVIL, Pictured: Katja Herbers as Kristen Bouchard. Photo: Elizabeth Fisher/Paramount+ ©2024 Paramount+. All Rights Reserved |
Final thoughts: I enjoyed this episode a lot. Aside from the creepy pigs, the team opening up to each other and hugging it out was very sweet. If that friendship falls apart, the world is in trouble. I am surprised that Sheryl remembers Leland is after her family, so if she is behaving this way as a part of some master plan to stop him, I am all for it. I am a little bit confused about the date because I thought we had 30 days until the baby was born but if Kristen starts bonding with him, if it comes time to end him to save the world, we have some great conflict there. Poor Ben and his Jinn; I think when this is all said and done, he will be a believer. Lastly, I am enjoying David’s journey so far. I believe David is like some archangel that will be the key to saving the world.
What did you think Evil fans? Leave a comment and remember to connect with me on X @jereereviews.
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