
Dark Matter – Worldless – Review: Think Lovely Thoughts

Spoilers ahead!

Much of Worldless is centered on Jason (Joel Edgerton) and Amanda (Alice Braga) inside the Box, living adventures and trying to find a reality that won’t kill them. After learning in the last episode that when you open a door, the Box takes you to an alternate reality based on what you are thinking/feeling/desiring, our duo starts trying to control the Box by trial and error.

First, Jason tries to say out loud that he feels safe, happy, and warm, hopeful to open the door and find a safe, happy, warm world. Instead, they find a world underwater that floods the Box and almost kills them. Lately, Jason admits that he was actually feeling very overwhelmed, and that’s possibly what caused the flood. 

Then, Amanda and Jason have some meaningful dialogue about everything that’s happening, which ends up with Amanda mentioning the person to enter the Box before Jason 2, Blair 2 (Amanda Brugel). When they try opening another door again, they end up in a destroyed world (full of creepy, weird creatures) inhabited by Blair 2. A theory of mine was proved wrong — in my head, the Blair from Earth 1 would be the Blair that showed up in this episode, in a twist that probably wouldn’t make so much sense.

Blair helps them with food and some information about controlling the Box, but she refuses to leave with them, as she’s still very traumatized and can’t bear the idea of entering it again. Blair also tells Amanda to hurry up and find a new home — after all, Amanda won’t be able to return to Earth 2 after running away with Jason. That had me thinking about what will happen with Amanda in the end — I don’t remember her ending in the book, and honestly, it’s for the better, as I’m hoping to be surprised, but I think she will probably have an episode centered on her in the next weeks to set this up (this is just a theory of mine).

“Worldless” — Dark Matter, Pictured: Joel Edgerton as Jason 2, Dayo Okeniyi as Leighton. Photo: Apple TV ©. All Rights Reserved

After this, Jason and Amanda end up entering two realities that are very similar to Jason’s reality (when compared to the others seen so far at least): in the first one, there’s a terrible sickness killing people and changing the world. To get there, Jason wrote some words about the world he wanted to visit — “I want my family” — but carried with him the huge fear of losing the people he loved to disease, just like he lost his mother.

“But you carried baggage through the door. You carried your worst fear: Not just losing your family, but losing them to illness. (…) But why would I seek out a world like that? Why do people marry versions of their controlling mothers or absent fathers? (…) Maybe it doesn’t make sense at a surface level, but the subconscious marches to its own beat.” — Amanda talks to Jason about the disease world.

After giving auto-injectors with morphine to that world’s version of Daniela (Jennifer Connelly), Jason makes some company to her as they remember the good old days. Finally, Amanda and Jason go to a world in which there’s no apocalypse, no mortal disease, that feels almost like home — except that in this one, Jason is Daniela’s ex-husband who is in jail. While the police are looking for him, Jason feels like they need to find someone they can trust, and Amanda knows exactly who this should be. The duo goes to Amanda’s house and finds out that in reality, Amanda is dead. I loved the scene between Amanda and her mother — they are speaking Portuguese and the mother is visibly shocked and amused seeing her dead daughter again, so it was a very sweet moment.

Anyway, these two are closer than ever to controlling the Box and arriving at the right worlds, and we get to see it in this episode. But they better hurry — after Jason 2 makes a deal with Leighton (Dayo Okeniyi), he discovers that Amanda and Jason are coming for him, and he decides the time is coming for him to seal off the box… At least in Earth 1. Loved this episode, but I think everything I remember from the box was already adapted somehow (the world covered in snow, the apocalyptic one, sick Daniela, everything about the first three episodes), so I have no idea about what’s coming next. And we have yet to discover what happened to Leighton 2 — will he ever meet Jason and Amanda again? I’m very excited and curious for the next weeks…

Now let me know your thoughts. What do you think about Worldless? Feel free to leave a comment with your impressions and theories, and thanks for reading!

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